well this is my first post and i will begin by saying that i am a model maker and sculptor. i mainly make maquettes (small statues) but i can make pretty much anything my wallet will allow.
this is piper from blue sky's "Robots", i made this as part of my course at staffordshire university. we were all given a robot to do and i have to be honest, she would not have been my first choice as anyone out there who has tried to paint something yellow will tell you, it's hell. however, she is one of my favorite sculpts as i made it as movie accurate as possible (i even made the engine separately so it would "hover" within her body like it does in the movie).
the second part of the requirements was to make a building from the film, for this we were partnered up. luckily i was partnered up with someone as stickler for detail as i am (tom grainger) and we were given one of the main buildings, the "Gunk's Greasy Spoon". the picture really doesn't do anything for it but it isn't just a box with a tube stuck on. it even has an interior as we finished early and i was looking for other things to do. i also made the two pigeons and rubbish bin.

this was a commission that i did for a family member after he cut his head open in greece and then had his head x-rayed. as can be seen in the photo on the left i used super sculpey, sculpey firm and green stuff.
finally these two i did for myself. the first is barrel from "nightmare before christmas", i made him because he is one of my favorites but you cant get a decent figure of him. the second is clayface which is copied off of a picture that i found on the internet whilst searching for help on arkham asylum.
i will also show you this
http://vimeo.com/24213370 that i worked on as my final project at uni along with may jowdh, tom grainger and jon colenso. i made the badgers and helped with the sets and props. i also had to make a man puppet's body from scratch in half a day as the main puppet snapped during filming and we did not have a back up.
i will be posting more of my previous work later on and hopefully some new commissions.
thank you for looking at my blog